Sequel of Life in Inti - Beautiful Beginning

In the last series, I've told you all about the condition in Inti, how I was introduced to the new environment and new range of studies.. How I was introduced to others by my personality ( how I shocked people with my Mandarin....There are certain funny chaos regarding this )..And how are people communicate with me...

This time, of course it will be in detail!! I liked my Inti friends a lot....Especially the noisiest and happiest gang!!!!( High Class Bitch, Piggy, Lion King, Hong Chu, Ben(Ban) 10, 走开拉(Go Away) )
I get along with them better during this study break. We studied together in the college. The environment is really noisy, becouse of HCB, she is so talkative( she admits it!!)...Not just studies, we shared many things like jokes, funny videos( Happy Tree Frinds, Ken Lee, Tuts My Barreh), and certain top secret gossips!!!Wow....I taught I was free from the torture of " The Gossip Devil "..But I'm still stucked in the middle of it.....However, those gossips are so fresh, blasting, alluring and so much X-rated!!!Haha....

Seriously:"I hope everyday can go college!!!After CLHSCO, they add extra flavours and colours to my life..... I was really stunned and totally attracted with their speeching style( WTF, OMB.......Originated from HCB )...... So much beautiful chaos between us...just no XY...If he is there too...WOW!!!!

First time went Queesnbay with them, and its self-driving!!! They helped me with my parking....( Touched with contents on Her wuen's blog..thanks!!!) Things in Inti is getting to blast and extreme.....I loved life in Inti!!!!

"Guys....This is our beautiful beginning of our truthful friendship.....Hope nothing can breaks us apart...I experienced the same feeling as how I felt when I'm in CLHSCO.....Can't wait to giggle and chuckle with you guys tomorrow!!! And don't forget, good luck to all of you in the coming Mid Term.....GAMBATEH!!!!

To be continued........

1 comment:

ohmiblass said...

wtf. im freaking friendly u can say that. i hate "talkative"!!!!!!!!!!